Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tripping through life: 400 word autobiography rough draft

Hey guys I left some of the paragraphs unfinished because this is over 500 words. I need help cutting things out. And by the way, my title is like a double meaning haha. I'm not sure if anyone would get it because it not might be good, but tripping means like stumbling but also like going on trips. I thought it was creative, I might be wrong, I'm not entirely sure haha.

Tripping through Life

Moving. It’s like a trip, except it’s somewhat permanent, at least for a while. My father once promised a little boy, me, that we would never move. He lied. I’m not sure if I forgive him. Chicago sucks. It’s cold, my friends don’t live in Chicago, and it’s cold. In Chicago I am not smart enough to be in all the top classes, unlike I was Maryland. In Chicago I am not good enough to play for the school soccer team, unlike I was in Maryland. In Chicago I do not have friends to hang out with and find time to work out and speed train, unlike Maryland. In Chicago I am really fast, unlike I was in Maryland. That’s one good thing that came out of this trip.

Vacations. They’re another type of trip. Vacations became especially fun for me when I was around 13. I used to like to go on vacations and try to hook up with AMGAP, as many girls as possible. Vacations were a good way to release built up raging hormones starting from the previous vacation. I never kissed many girls at home, especially not in Chicago. I'm not sure why, but I used to ask myself all the time. "Matt, if you can get girls on vacation, what is stopping you from getting girls at home?" The only answer I could come up with was, "You’re a coward." Then I went on my last vacation, a 40-day trip through the west coast, with the intent to get with AMGAP, but then I met this girl…

Spain. For the first time ever I left the country on an intercontinental trip. This trip was a little more than a vacation, but not quite a move. I stayed with a family I’d never met for a month, the longest time away from home by a considerable margin, in the summer before my junior year. I accomplished many things in Spain. First and for most, I learned how to speak decent conversational Spanish. This helped me achieve my fist A in Spanish class and become a student teacher for my old Spanish teacher. I learned how to adjust to a culture completely foreign to my own. I tried foods I would never consider eating here in the states. I had to eat what was on my plate, which I did, a custom taken seriously in Spain. I spent the month is Spain with a boy around my age and then he came and lived in Chicago with me for a month. I spent everyday with him and not all were good, but we got through it.

West Coast Connections American Voyageur Trip 2, the best trip of my life. It was 40-day tour of the west coast with 40 awesome kids to go with, what could be better? This became my longest time away from home. I made great new friends, but also lost one. However I did meet the girl I want to marry, so it was all worth it in the end. On this trip I learned how to do laundry and cook some things.

Life. What a trip. I’ve learned a lot from my past trips, and I’ll take many more in life. Soon I’m going to college, what a trip! Who knows where these future trips will take me.

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